Doctor iuris (Dr. iur.) at the Johannes-Kepler University Linz, Austria
Thesis topic: The transnational use of evidence in tax proceedings and criminal tax evasion
proceedings with additional change of the kind of the proceeding
passed with the best garde and with the highest distinction ("summa cum laude")
ISBN 978-3-8370-3610-7, Hardcover, 428 pages
Science employee at the law faculty at the University of Heidelberg
Legal clerkship at the german internal revenue service in the administrative branch for legal remedy
and in the branch for tax evasion prosecution
Studies of European law and tax law at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland (in french language)
Studies of economics and organizational behavior at the University of California at Berkeley, USA
Studies of law at the University of Heidelberg with the focus in tax law
Supplementary studies of anglo-american law at the University of Heidelberg (english language)
A-Level with the majors in math and physics, physics with distinction